West St. Paul, Minnesota — Schools

Schools Near West St. Paul, Minnesota

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Saint Joseph School0.3 mi.
2.Saint Joseph's School0.3 mi.
3.Grass Junior High School0.5 mi.
4.Sibley High School0.5 mi.
5.Moreland School0.6 mi.
6.Moreland Elementary School0.6 mi.
7.Heritage Middle School0.6 mi.
8.Bryant School0.7 mi.
9.Cherokee Heights Magnet Elementary School0.7 mi.
10.Cherokee Heights West Side School of Excellence0.7 mi.
11.Douglas School0.9 mi.
12.Somerset Heights School1 mi.
13.Somerset Elementary School1 mi.
14.Humboldt Senior High School1.1 mi.
15.Humboldt Junior High School1.1 mi.
16.Humboldt High School1.1 mi.
17.Garfield School1.3 mi.
18.Saint Matthew's School1.3 mi.
19.Four Seasons A+ Elementary School1.3 mi.
20.Four Seasons Elementary School1.3 mi.
21.Saint Croix Lutheran School1.3 mi.
22.Riverview Elementary West Side School of Excellence1.4 mi.
23.Riverview School1.5 mi.
24.Saint Croix Lutheran High School1.5 mi.
25.Brady High School1.5 mi.
26.Saint Michael School1.5 mi.
27.Saint Michaels School1.5 mi.
28.Twin Cities Academy1.5 mi.
29.Crowley School1.5 mi.
School Locations