Slinger, Wisconsin — Schools

Schools Near Slinger, Wisconsin

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Saint Peter Elementary School0.2 mi.
2.Slinger Elementary School0.2 mi.
3.Slinger High School0.2 mi.
4.Saint Paul Little Learners Preschool and Kindergarten0.9 mi.
5.Addison Elementary School2.9 mi.
6.Rossman Elementary School4.3 mi.
7.Oak Knoll School4.6 mi.
8.Washington School4.7 mi.
9.Peace Lutheran School4.9 mi.
10.Saint Kilian School4.9 mi.
11.Lincoln Elementary School5 mi.
12.Silver Maple School5.4 mi.
13.Central Middle School5.4 mi.
14.Hartford High School5.4 mi.
15.Saint Augustine School5.5 mi.
16.Highway View School5.6 mi.
17.Friess Lake School5.7 mi.
18.Fourth District School6 mi.
19.Allenton Elementary School6.2 mi.
20.Jackson Elementary School6.3 mi.
21.Montessori Children House West Bend School6.4 mi.
22.Morning Star Lutheran School6.4 mi.
23.Elmwood School6.8 mi.
24.Living Word Lutheran High School6.9 mi.
25.University of Wisconsin Center Washington County6.9 mi.
26.Crown of Life Lutheran School7.1 mi.
27.Saint Frances Cabrini School7.3 mi.
28.Addison Center School7.3 mi.
29.Saint John's Lutheran School7.4 mi.
30.Decorah Elementary School7.5 mi.
School Locations