Ludlow, Vermont — Schools

Schools Near Ludlow, Vermont

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Rutland Windsor Supervisory Union0.2 mi.
2.Okemo Mountain School0.6 mi.
3.Black River High School0.6 mi.
4.Ludlow Elementary School0.6 mi.
5.Fletcher Farm School for the Arts and Crafts1.5 mi.
6.Cavendish Town Elementary School3.3 mi.
7.East Hill School6.7 mi.
8.Tarbell Hill School6.8 mi.
9.Mount Holly Elementary School7.1 mi.
10.Sawyer Stand School7.1 mi.
11.Reading Elementary School9.1 mi.
12.Weathersfield Elementary School9.4 mi.
13.Plymouth Elementary School9.9 mi.
School Locations