Wightmans Grove, Ohio — Schools

Schools Near Wightmans Grove, Ohio

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.School of Hope5.3 mi.
2.Terra Community College5.5 mi.
3.Fremont Ross High School5.6 mi.
4.Croghan Elementary School5.7 mi.
5.Stamm Elementary School5.8 mi.
6.Saint Ann School6.2 mi.
7.Sacred Heart School6.2 mi.
8.Riverview School6.2 mi.
9.Fremont Junior High School6.3 mi.
10.Saint Josephs School6.3 mi.
11.Temple Christian Academy6.4 mi.
12.Atkinson Elementary School6.4 mi.
13.Saint Casimir School6.6 mi.
14.Hayes Elementary School6.6 mi.
15.Otis Elementary School6.9 mi.
16.Our Lady of the Pines School7.4 mi.
17.Bataan Memorial Elementary School7.8 mi.
18.Lutz Elementary School7.9 mi.
19.Saint Boniface School7.9 mi.
20.Oak Harbor Middle School8 mi.
21.Port Clinton High School8.1 mi.
22.Immaculate Conception School8.2 mi.
23.Jefferson Elementary School8.3 mi.
24.Jefferson Junior High School8.3 mi.
25.Oak Harbor High School8.3 mi.
26.R C Waters Elementary School8.5 mi.
27.Townsend School8.6 mi.
28.Washington Township School8.8 mi.
29.Vine Street Elementary School8.9 mi.
30.Saint Marys School8.9 mi.
School Locations