Westminster, Colorado — Schools

Schools Near Westminster, Colorado

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Harris Park Elementary School0.6 mi.
2.Hidden Lake High School0.6 mi.
3.Early Childhood Center0.6 mi.
4.Holy Trinity Catholic School0.6 mi.
5.Crown Pointe Academy of Westminster0.6 mi.
6.Ricardo Flores Magon Academy0.7 mi.
7.Belleview Christian College and Bible Seminary0.8 mi.
8.Belleview Christian School0.8 mi.
9.Fairview Elementary School0.9 mi.
10.Westminster High School1.1 mi.
11.Ranum Middle School1.2 mi.
12.Skyline Vista Elementary School1.2 mi.
13.Hodgkins Elementary School1.3 mi.
14.Flynn Elementary School1.3 mi.
15.Thomson Elementary School1.3 mi.
16.Shaw Heights Middle School1.3 mi.
17.Metz Elementary School1.3 mi.
18.Parr Elementary School1.5 mi.
19.Baker Elementary School1.6 mi.
20.Mesa Elementary School1.7 mi.
21.Tennyson Knolls Elementary School1.8 mi.
22.Swanson Elementary School1.8 mi.
23.Francis Marion Day Elementary School1.8 mi.
24.Sherrelwood Elementary School2 mi.
School Locations