Shady Cove, Oregon — Schools

Schools Near Shady Cove, Oregon

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Shady Cove School0.8 mi.
2.Elk Trail Elementary School5.2 mi.
3.Eagle Rock Elementary School8.8 mi.
4.Eagle Point Middle School8.8 mi.
5.Eagle Point High School9.4 mi.
6.Little Butte School9.6 mi.
7.Sams Valley Elementary School10.3 mi.
8.Saint John Lutheran School10.7 mi.
9.Antelope School11.6 mi.
10.Mountain View Elementary School12.6 mi.
11.White City Elementary School12.6 mi.
12.Butte Falls Elementary School13.2 mi.
13.Butte Falls Secondary School13.4 mi.
14.Scenic Middle School16.5 mi.
15.Jewett Elementary School16.7 mi.
16.Crater High School16.9 mi.
17.Crater Academy of Health and Public Service16.9 mi.
18.Crater Academy of Natural Sciences16.9 mi.
19.Crater Renaissance Academy16.9 mi.
20.Abraham Lincoln Elementary School17.1 mi.
21.Central Point Elementary School17.3 mi.
22.Richardson Elementary School17.3 mi.
23.Hanby Middle School17.3 mi.
24.Kennedy Elementary School17.5 mi.
25.Cascade Christian High School17.6 mi.
26.Patrick Elementary School17.7 mi.
School Locations