Portland, Oregon — Schools

Schools Near Portland, Oregon

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Emerson School0.2 mi.
2.Pacific Northwest College of Art0.5 mi.
3.Cathedral School0.6 mi.
4.The Northwest Academy0.6 mi.
5.Lincoln High School0.7 mi.
6.The International School0.8 mi.
7.Saint Marys Academy0.8 mi.
8.Metropolitan Learning Center0.9 mi.
9.Portland State University0.9 mi.
10.International Learning Program1.1 mi.
11.Trillium Charter School1.2 mi.
12.Benson Polytechnic High School1.2 mi.
13.Buckman Elementary School1.4 mi.
14.Success Academy1.4 mi.
15.Ainsworth Elementary School1.5 mi.
16.National College of Natural Medicine1.5 mi.
17.Leadership and Entrepreneurship Public Charter High School1.5 mi.
18.Chapman Elementary School1.6 mi.
19.Kerr Youth and Family Center1.6 mi.
20.Oregon Health Sciences University1.6 mi.
21.Irvington Elementary School1.6 mi.
22.Boise-Eliot Elementary School1.7 mi.
School Locations