Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania — Schools

Schools Near Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Johnsonburg Area Junior Senior High School1.2 mi.
2.Johnsonburg Area Elementary School1.8 mi.
3.Ott School4.9 mi.
4.Montmorenci School5.2 mi.
5.Saint Leos School5.3 mi.
6.Centennial School5.5 mi.
7.Central School5.6 mi.
8.Saint Marys School6.9 mi.
9.Sacred Heart School7.2 mi.
10.Spruce Street School7.8 mi.
11.Queen of the World School8.1 mi.
12.Saint Marys Area High School8.8 mi.
13.Ridge School10.1 mi.
14.Rathbun School10.8 mi.
15.Kane Area High School13.1 mi.
16.Greendale School13.1 mi.
17.Kane Area Middle School13.4 mi.
18.Clay Street School13.5 mi.
19.Chestnut Street Elementary School13.6 mi.
20.Saint Callistus School13.7 mi.
21.Lake City School13.9 mi.
22.Stenstrom School14.6 mi.
23.Northwestern School15.2 mi.
24.Toby Springs School15.7 mi.
25.Gardner Hill School15.9 mi.
26.Mount Jewett Elementary School16.2 mi.
27.Millstone High School17.6 mi.
School Locations